New On Steemit


My name is @lexxie and I am brand new to Steemit. @vladivostok invited me to try it and told me...

"You are good people and shouldn't be wasting your time on FB. You are all about the truth and not much for nonsense. You love good humor, wit, intellect, and fair exchange of ideas."


Originally from Miami Florida, I served in the United States Marine Corps and ended up in Austin Texas where I have called home for 25+ years. I've fostered critters from opossum to puppies and kittens and have a small hand in some wildlife rescue when needed. The USMC didn't take me to great far away lands, but my undergraduate studies took me to Italy. Travel has opened my eyes to European and other cultures (South Africa, Thailand, Philippines) of which many are being destroyed by unfortunate circumstances.

I’m of Italian descent, but have no living family at this time. I've never been ordinary nor part of "THE" group. I recently discovered that I’m not weird or unique as most people would place me above or below them. I am full of truth and realness. Only recently, have I come to understand the chasm that truth puts between people. Child-like in my ways and never socialized the way “normal kids were,” I tend to give information that ‘society’ has deemed too personal or inappropriate to share.



When I speak of the deaths of my friends and family, the murders, suicides, disease, and unfortunate circumstances people turn away either in pity or shame. I need neither. I am who I am and how I am because of all the turns and twists in my life.

I am not without issue. As many in the field of mental health, I've suffered my own torments and still struggle daily with wanting to live and be alive – afraid that I haven’t much to offer in this world and many times just don’t have the energy to summons.


I have is a strong desire to spread awareness, open minds and seek further truths. I have beliefs that are not stuck and I am always open to considering new information to add to my belief structure. I'm interested in offering a genuine therapeutic opinion to particularly troubling issues in mental health. Having had many surgeries in my adult life (for issues related to childhood injuries) and a somewhat controversial diagnosis of my mental health, I've been privy to seeing what it looks like from their side. The side where they (doctors) tell only as much as THEY think a person can handle, withholding, sometimes quite necessary information for the benefit of the patient. What will happen if we KNOW TOO MUCH about ourselves, procedures, things they do when we’re ‘under’? I am excited to begin my Steemit Journey with no idea or expectation of where this journey will take me, and getting to know people from a platform that's been described to me as "The place for me " I am ready to begin my journey and meeting fellow Steemian's along the way.


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