Ladies and Gentlemen

Hello everyone.
I'm really happy to join this community.Let me introduce myself.
My name is Mehmet EROĞLU.I'm 22 years old.I'm from Mardin in southeast of Turkey.I live in Antalya because of my education.My hometown is İstanbul.I'm student of Akdeniz University.My departmant is Electronic-Electric Engineering.
My reasons join to this community to make more social myself and maybe make money :) with your help :) and improve my culturel information.Let me talk about my future posts.


I will try to give information about social-culturel life of my country .


I want to share my dormitory life with you .For example what we are doing right now

I want to talk about with you my biggest hobby , that is playing League of Legend(LoL).LoL is a one of the best competitive computer game.That's the reason why I want to give information about that game.
Of course I will try to give information my department.

Lastly thanks @kagantrky for meeting this platform .
Thanks for reading this post I love you and I'm expecting your support.
See you...
The Steemit life is on for me :))))

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