Introduction post. The french boy who lives in the past

Hello everyone !

My name is Koral. A new Steemian from France, who wants to share its passion for old stuff !
Yes, a 19 years old boy, who only like old tech !

Here's a bit of history about me: I started collecting old video-game consoles almost 10 years ago, only because I wanted to see "Was there any consoles before the DS and the Wii ?" (not a very typical child question :D ).
Several years after, I stopped buying consoles, and I found (completely randomly) an eMac box filled with a bunch of Apple stuff. There was 3 computers (including a complete Apple IIe) and a mountain of various peripherials. Needless to say, I started to be veeeery interested in old computers !
And finally, I always liked music. One day, I saw a video showing what is commonly called the "SoundBlaster keyboard". A toy keyboard equipped with the same chip you would find in an old Ad-Lib or SoundBlaster sound card. I let you imagine what happens when you take a computer nerd who likes video-games music, and his desire to acutally make music...I immediatly strated tracking down a keyboard like this on eBay, and that's how I fell down in the amazing world of synthesizers !
Photo of my current synth setup

But that's not all. I love retro tech, but I also like new things (otherwise, I wouldn't be on Steemit ^^). And I love VR ! I was one of the first guy in my region who acquired an Oculus DK2. I did many many things in VR, and now I sometimes stream VR games on Twitch. FPS, Action, Rhythm...several types of games.

That's it for my introduction ! I should be posting videos of everything mentionned above ! You'll find old computers, consoles and synths reviews, as well as some music (sometimes) and maybe VR related stuff !

See you soon, everyone !! (and sorry if I made a language mistake somewhere, my english is not perfect :) )

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