Greetings from Montana! I'm Kirsten Tynan, director of the Fully Informed Jury Association.

My name is Kirsten Tynan, and I am director of a non-profit educational organization called the Fully Informed Jury Association. Our mission is to restore jurors' full authority to protect us all from abuse by government through our educational efforts.

We do this by fully informing as many people as possible regarding jury rights issues, including the legal authority of jurors to vote Not Guilty whenever a just verdict requires it, even if the law has technically been broken. This is most commonly known as jury nullification, but you may also hear it referred to as jury veto or conscientious acquittal.

I learned about Steemit the other day when a post on jury nullification here showed up in my Google alerts. I'm looking forward to sharing more information with this community about our (sort of) secret power as jurors to protect each other with just two words: Not Guilty.

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