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My introduction to the community here

Hey-hey! I am Mary and I am here to seek for new experiences and for sharing my art here as well.

So I am almost 23 and I work as an English teacher. This is my real profession, haha, and yeah, I teach people English.

However, here my introduction doesn't end, cuz I wanna share some of my hobbies and interests. ^^

I am a big fan of Adventure time. I love the TV-show since 2012. Just adore everything about it!

Moreover, I love dancing and acrobatics on the pole - so I am a pole dancer.

And since my childhood - I've been drawing and painting with different kinds of mediums and now it's mostly digital art.

Finally, I like talking about different stuff, love reading, playing video games, 3d modelling, learning German, love astronomy, twerk, fitness etc.

Thanks for reading! Hope I'll like it here _