Hello Steemit مرحبا

I'm a 32 year old Palestinian American who is currently living in Kuwait. 

I was born in Beirut, Lebanon, and have since lived in Dubai, California, New York, Florida, Houston, and now Kuwait. I've also done a few short stints in Boston, and San Francisco, I love those two cities too much not to mention them as well.

That's me relaxing on vacation in Beirut! Ahh the good life.

I am not a travel blogger. I just follow my passion and dreams, where ever these may lead. (Cheesy I know, but it happens to be true here) I have worked in various industries, including Real Estate, Cars, Recruiting, Sales, Fashion, and I'm certain I'm forgetting a few more. 

So far, I have yet to find my big break. I have started businesses that failed, and it weighed a heavy toll on so many different unexpected parts of my life, more so than just my finances. However, I do now know who my friends are today. I have learned a great deal. I am still standing, and I will have more businesses in the future as well.

I'm currently exploring three different avenues aside from my day job to try and build healthy income streams.

  • I'm writing a book on Bitcoin and Blochchain Tech
  • I''m researching suppliers that dropship in the hopes of starting a web store
  • Seeking an online opportunity that I can be a part of, or create, despite not having any programming skills

I have specific goals regarding each point above as well, but would like to keep those personal.


Starting a real estate investment trust that is entirely on the blockchain. I have seen too many shady things happen in the real estate industry that have left me feeling this would be an excellent idea. For most people,  a home is their most valuable financial asset, and too often they are duped into contractual agreements they don't understand, into homes that are not worth what they pay for them. I'd like to bring more transparency into this world.


In much more happy news, I got engaged recently!


I have known, and chased this woman for just over a decade. She is the light in my life. Words can not begin describe my love for her.

My lovely fiance and I, in Turkey.

It is amazing the positive effect a loving person will have on our lives. 

This is my second #introduceyourself post, this time with verification. 

 I will leave you with one of my favorite quotes from If by Rudyard Kipling that encompasses who I am well.

" If you can make one heap of all your winnings
  And risk it on one turn of pitch-and-toss,
And lose, and start again at your beginnings
  And never breathe a word about your loss;"

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