My second - introducing post - introduce about my life my culture my family

introducing about my life my culture my family

Hello a every one
I'm khalid khan from Pakistan ,a normal village boy and I'm the student of civil Engineering civil ,a few month ago i leave my colleague life
I'm very happy to see the work of steemit team and Ir
eealized that it is a real earning site and so I start work on steemit and I just wait on this site to sport me and I hope you sport me and appreciate me for this work,i really like steemit community this is my favourite and lovely social websites in my life changing Chan's
I'm very thankful to all the team of steemit and specaily thanks of steemit all new and old user
Plz forgive me if mistake in my paragraph because I'm am little speak and write in English,

-so i like my life and my mom dad is death before 4 year i live ,only me in hostel ,i am very said boy because my family leave me alone,on the side of poor boy ,so please my help us as a friend ,i Will help all friends ,i sports all members ,so Thanks for reading my life pheragraph ,allah hafiz..


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