Josh Bowens Swears To God, If You Don't Shut Up...

I originally wanted to limit my identity to Facebook, not because I see my personal life as private, but because it would be easier for me to give you the details if I kept a memoir handy, which I don’t so it’ll be hard for me to filter what I wish to share with you, so forgive me if I’m a bit...explicit.

I would go back to the earliest days of my childhood. Unfortunately, my memory travels all the way back to the day of my circumcision, so I’ll spare you the gory details. I also, could’ve just...not mentioned it. (Circumcision seems to be a hot-button topic within Steemit’s anarchist symposium. I don’t know, I’m just not bothered by the fact that it happened to me and I don’t get too much grief over it.) Anyway, my mom violated the NAP within days of my arrival into this world; clearly, I wasn’t raised in a libertarian/voluntarist environment.

Nothing exciting has really happened in my life since then, but I, myself am quite a character, eclectic in taste, boundless in erudition, fluent in wit - if you disagree, please have the courtesy to stop reading instead of downvoting the post like a dick; my personality was molded by an unknown sculptor, my every utterance penned by a ghostwriter, my movements controlled by a faceless puppeteer. God bless him, I’m sure he feels the way I do, having written worked so hard on something only to find a limited audience for it, myself. 

I would like to have introduced myself to you lovely folks qua video, but when I speak, it sounds like I’m reading the script from a fever dream. Writing is the only way I can convey what I have to say. 

If you never hear my voice, you’ll always be able to quote me.

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