If you can Dream It! You can Steemit!

Hello Steemit! My name is Jordan I'm 32 years old. I have lived in Las Vegas since 1992. I currently wait tables in a decent restaurant about 20 hours a week. The rest of my time I spend taking care of my grandmother (Garnetta 79 her birthday yesterday Aug 4th.)and doing tons of research on new technologies whatever they may be . I also enjoy following the state of the global economy. I used to invest in stocks when I was 18 till I was 22. I purchased a home in 2005 and worked hard to pay a 2000 mortgage on a house that Was probably worth halve that.

In the process of the financial collapse my grandfather passed away and I didn't handle it very well. So I ended up not showing up for work and losing a good job in Room Service at the Palms Hotel. Where I met every Star Athlete Model Singer and Actor you could imagine in 2006. If they were on tv there was a good chance I served or partied with them.

In my darkest hours I began to ask for 2 things the most. Knowledge and Wisdom. I began to research philosophy and spirituality and all the religions and ancient religions and all the mysterious cultures of the old and the modern world.

I studied nutrition as a teenager and I continue to study it today. I learned as much as possible about crystals, pyramids and metaphysics. I learned how to heal myself and do my best to create easy steps so others can heal themselves too! I am a believer in the power of love. Loving others and loving yourself. "Life is Struggle," "Embrace the struggle."

I now have a humble life. I live on 1200 a month for 5 years now. I have a little Bitcoin some Gold some silver and a small amount of US currency. I never stopped looking into into markets to see if I could create an opportunity to hedge the possibility of inflation during financial hard times. Since I had already lost everything in the first collapse I'm always looking out for signs of the next one.

I learned about gold around 1100 oz so I bought that first then I started to get some silver little by little in the middle of 2015 the prices were so low. Bitcoin was $226 in August 2015 and I had about 400 to invest finally.

Unfortunatley my family member had a breakdown and started to borrow money from me everyday. Till by November 2015 I was completely out of currency and savings because he took everything he could from everyone in my family till he ended up going to jail.

I ended up missing a great opportunity to get in at the perfect time, now the price was around $400. So I waited for the dips and in February had enough money to get some when it was at $380. I felt like a success when the price went to 780. Now that it's about 580 I feel like it's the last time we will see it this low. It could be a good time to buy the dips.

My goals are to improve everyday somehow and to enjoy the moments in life with my family and friends and other people with similar mindsets or positive energy.

I cook all my meals and never eat out. I work in a restaurant so I eat pretty good sometimes for free. I refuse to pay for fast food I force myself to cook every meal. I feel better in the morning when I eat food that I cook myself. I shop at trader joes for groceries and whole foods market for spices and cook ware. I try to feed my cells instead of feeding my appetite. Most of my diet is brown rice broccoli and chicken.

I take spices I buy and them put into veggie caps. Spices like Cloves Ceylon Cinnamon, Tumeric, and Black Pepper have very high ORAC values. Basically they are super powerful antioxidants. Taking a serving of each once per day just three times a week is like consuming hundreds of servings of your favorite healthy veggies! Over time your body will get used to processing the antioxidant spices better. It doesn't all happen day one you have to cleanse your gut first and then you can absorb everything better.

I drink water after it has been placed over crystals in order to increase the vibration or frequency of the water. It ionizes the water and that help the cleansing process . It also is suppose to neutralize acids and pollutants so the water becomes naturally more alkaline and softer. I have also been growing out my hair since February 2012 because I read hair is a part of the nervous system. With it you can have better intuition or sixth sense, they say. Thats why the only people in the military aloud to keep there hair long are Native American trackers. They say they have a sixth sense and can visualize their targets in their minds.

Thanks again for reading. Stay beautiful and stay blessed.

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