It's Johnster here, nice to meet you. From: Pets, (Energy)Tech & Science, Finance, Crypto, Politics & Conspiracy till: Sustainable Living, Health & Relationships. Enjoy.

Although my Mugshot & Name suggest so, and I sympathize with the culture, I'm not... a hipster.

Hi all, my name is John(ster),

Thank you for stopping by, I really appreciate the time you're investing reading about somebody you probably don't know at all...

A short synopsis:

  • I've been clubbing as a pro-DJ most of my life. I still like to rock a crowd but my focus drifted quite a bit.

  • Imprinted with old believes on success and being awesome, I've lost at least 25 years of my life. I'm not cynical over this, there is plenty of time left to become really awesome!

  • I've discovered everything I wasted my time on didn't really matter, but life as we know it expect us to pay the bills. An alternative needed to be established to do the things in life that DO matter. I've been on that journey for the last couple of years. 3 years ago I discovered Bitcoin. It almost enabled the lifestyle I was aiming for.

    ALMOST. Start following me and I will reveil what happened at some point. The scar is still fresh...

    #rekt #blockhalving #bitfinexhack #lifecanbeabitch

  • After my 9/11 awakening around 2006, and going down that rabbit hole, I learned to doubt and study everything. From there the hole turned out to be infinite deep.

  • Old "friends" are ignoring me, thinking I've lost it. Therefor I met so many new interesting and "on the same page" people it's not even funny anymore. Conversations got so much more content rich.

    I expect to extend that number of new conversation partners by joining the crowd here on Steemit.

  • If we all stop over-consuming, join forces/knowledge without competing, open source everything, remove the need for "economical growth", start using resources in a sustainable way, completely replace world finance, have a fair token/system to trade, greed will eventually be a thing of the past.

    ALL of Humanity might THRIVE together one day.

    Settle your desire and find find true PEACE. Start living...

    Easier said than done.. I know 1st hand.

    Don't disappoint me folks.

    I'm blessed with a woman in my life that took all the hits alongside me, and still stands beside me.

    We've set new goals and, although times are rough, I'm convinced we arrive together. Thank you, I love you.

    You may expect writings of my hand on (no special order):

  • Personal blog

  • Pets, cats & dogs

  • "Free" energy (exotic emerging technologies), zero-point energy aka. quantum vacuum zero-point energy, and all variations there of.

  • Politics

  • Cryptocurrencies

  • Conspiracy (facts)

  • Secret Space Progamm

  • Science

  • Technology

  • FinTech

  • Finance

  • Trading

  • Tiny Houses, sustainable living

  • Healthy living

  • Growing food not lawns

  • Music

  • Relationships

  • How the world tics.

    I'm volentering for: (Global Breakthrough Energy Movement)


    There is a difference between knowing your shit and knowing you're shit.

    Take care:


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