My journey into steemit land


Hi Everyone. My name is Johan Gericke, and I am a core network operations engineer for a large ISP in my home country of South Africa. I'm a big fan of networking, programming, and technology in general. As anyone with experience in any of the above fields should know, there's never an end to the learning process, which is great for someone like me that enjoys constant mental stimulation. 

I intend to post about technology as things catch my interest, and ammend an issue I've experienced with online tutorials. That being the fact that most of it is a step by step guide on getting from point A to point B, but rarely includes anything regarding the whys. That is oftentimes a difficult thing to put into a single post, so hopefully resulting conversations can aid in that. We'll see how it goes...

I like beer, metal, vaping, whiskey, nature, and some random stuff.

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