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Hello from the teeny tiny north island of New Zealand - my brand new home!

When Durban met Zululand, I was born in Africa - land of the golden plains; of good steak and of the widest smiles you'll ever see. Soon afterwards, we moved to London, then back to Africa where I met and married my prince. I've produced two planetshakers who I'm raising to do just that...shake the planet. We've since moved to New Zealand, land of rainbows; soft rain and an endless supply of sausages. 21.jpg

My love for writing began at six when I waltzed around our family home with a notebook and pen and announced I was writing my first best seller. The future arrived, as it always does, and my teachers advised me that you simply cannot, won't, can't make a living from writing. They forced me to enroll for mathematics and science. I had to drop science as I couldn't care less about atoms. I had to drop mathematics to standard grade, too, because I scored single digits for trig (quite an accomplishment, I think). But I did write poetry - pages and pages of it - during maths. And I came out tops in English Language and Literature.

My parents are, very thankfully, not of the "There are only three career choices: doctor, accountant or engineer!" type. I was allowed to study creative writing, and soon discovered that it paid well too. I remember 'bluffing' my way to being a freelance journo by calling myself 'experienced' and pitching article idea. I was repeatedly amazed that they were often accepted and that money arrives soon afterwards - at the time $.18c per word, but to a student it was enough for some extra luxuries - like high heels (I own roughly 98 pairs...maybe a few more).

I've been paid to do what I love since age 18, and now help manage the public relations and blogging platform for a firm several thousand large, although my favorite part of my role is teaching others to tell good stories and watching them grow their writing confidence.

I dabble in publishing too - see my little collection of books on Kindle, with more to come:

I have a million ideas about what I'll write on Steemit: how to invest in a healthy family, hold down a job while arriving at work fed and looking semi-decent (just), healthy baking for a hungry husband and kids, loving people when it's hard...

So, watch this space, Steemit!

That's me!