@jody.potato SteemIt Introduction

Goodmorning, Goodafternoon and Goodevening people of the world :)

My name is Jody(with a Y and not Jodi ) and I am 18. As you may already noticed from my name and my age, I am a young teenage girl. However, I am still stating that in case you mistake my name for a boy's. What a considerate human I am right? Just joking :)
Through my short self-introduction above you may already guessed that I am not a typical 18 years old teenager. I am weird (sometimes super weird Xp ), talkative, adventurous and a cheerful human being.


The reason that i decided to join SteemIt is to share my experience in life and to give a little advice here and there to you who is reading my post. I may be only 18 but I had gone through a lot of ups and downs in life. From living apart from my families since i was 7 to having depression and to where I am now. One of my biggest goals in life is to inspire and influence people especially teenagers to live a meaningful life and to see certain things in a different perspective through my testimonies. Therefore, I decided to use SteemIt as my platform to start doing something to achieve this goals.


I love to write and create my own quotes. At times, whenever I am in the right mood, I come out with a short original song lyrics. Up to now, I have never shared my original lyrics with many people. However, things are about to change for me as I am going to post them here in SteemIt. I may not be the best song writer but I am pretty sure that I am not the worst. :)
Orange and skyblue are two of my favorite colors. For me, the color orange symbolizes cheerfulness and skyblue symbolizes peace. I also like using emojis (as you might have noticed) because it enables me to express myself a little more accurately from afar. :)
I extremely love dogs and cats. However, I am still more of a dog person. Personally, I believe that adopting a pet is so much better then buying them. Few months ago, I nearly made the mistake of buying a puppy but honestly, looking back now, I am glad that I did not. I'll write more about that on a separate post.


I like to clean my house and my room from time to time ( weird hobby alert! ). I feel like it helps me to collect my thoughts.
Reading, singing and dancing is some of my other hobbies. I love to watch movies but honestly, when it comes to movies with seasons, it will take me forever to reach the end. X) I also prefer being outside rather then getting locked up in my house. I hate being bored.


well, that's everything that you need to know about me for now. I shall stop here and let you decide whether to vote or not. Peace out and remember that life is about the little things. :)
Have a good day or a goodnight. See you on my next post!

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