Why am I here?

Where to start?

What an unlucky couple of weeks I seem to have had. I sit here on a gorgeous summers day (a rarity in England) with my leg elevated and wearing a cricket pad splint to immobilize my knee. Whilst doing my employer a favor, I dislocated my kneecap tearing my medial ligaments in the process. Initially my doctor signed me off work for 4 weeks, something my employer seemed not to have an issue with. Fast forward the clock a week and bang, my post has been made redundant and for the 4th time in my adult life I am unemployed, only this time, I am unable to find new work due to my injury. 

So what next?

After the initial tears, anger and hurt any adult in a society where bills are due on a daily basis would have, I vented my frustration via social media, reaching out for advice from the online world for advice on how I could make a living via a job that would allow me to work from home. The responses were underwhelming at first, no one seemed to have any answers for me, when a good friend popped up in my inbox with steemit. What is steemit? I took it upon myself to use my time to understand what steemit is, and how it could help me. I spent time studying the website, the white paper, the stories. There was a part of my brain that said, is this too good to be true? I decided there was no harm in trying it, indeed, the person who recommended the website does not live a conventional life involving a 9-5 job. He is currently traveling the world, having been away since March, actually I am looking after his cat Basil whilst he and his girlfriend are experiencing this amazing adventure. I guess I look at his current situation, and instead of being jealous, I admire his attitude to life and the fact that his optimism for new projects has ultimately enabled him to be where he is today. 

What my goals are?

As a new user, I thought maybe I should set goals to become a major contributor, but then after reading many of the stories in a variety of different trends, I thought to myself, 'you don't need to put pressure on yourself to hit targets. You're at home, unable to do much, and have more time than ever to connect with the online community, learn about their lives and if appropriate share your own'. So the truth is I don't have any measurable goals. If there is a goal, it is to get to know others, and to be myself.  

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