Introducing Jacob & My Poem- Today Loves Yesterday

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I joined the Steem community on the 10th of September. I am excited to get started on the platform and create a profile that is intriguing, engaging, to be a motivation and inspiration to this community. I want to share my writings, poems, marketing tips, and just allow my energy to flow throughout in hopes that it will stimulate the senses of my followers and the platform in general.

Today is my birthday and I am happy to be able to share my gifts with this world. This poem Today Loves Yesterday is 100% MY ORIGINAL WORK. I just wrote it earlier today as a brief testament of my life. I look forward to being a productive Steemian. I also want to be active in voting for posts of my interest and hope that you all will also up vote my posts. Until next time Steem On!

I have also made this poem available for PRE-ORDER for those who may want to gift this or keep for themselves. Any and all support is greatly appreciated. Thank You!

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The link for the PRE-ORDER is here-

Today I celebrate being born
Yesterday I was grateful I got to see the day before
Today I reflect on my life and all of its worth
Yesterday I was less than what I am today
Today I am more because my reflections made me see better
Yesterday was blurry and my judgement was drowned by a drug
Today I’m sober minded no longer am I blinded
Yesterday was a challenge it required me to be strong
Today I am stronger because the challenge could not break me
Yesterday wisdom was looking for a student
Today I have knowledge because wisdom was a great teacher
Yesterday hate, envy and jealousy made an attempt on my life
Today love, joy and peace is what helps me to live
Yesterday I began to renew my mind
Today I have a testimony about a lifetime
Yesterday had so many lessons
Today has many more blessings
Yesterday deserves a celebration Today
Today deserved a celebration Yesterday.

Written By: Jacob Johnson

Copyright 2017, Jacob Johnson. All rights reserved
No duplication in whole or in part is permitted without permission.

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