Lo! I'm Jack, and I'll be sharing original technology art, and thoughts on our digital world.

When I'm unsure of what to write on the internet, I always start with "Lo!". It's both a friendly, old-worldy greeting, and the very first word ever transmitted over a network.

I often think back to 1969 - almost twenty years before I was born - and consider if those researchers had any idea that their attempt to transmit words over telephone lines would, years later, transform not only the way people communicate, but the way they experience life.

(In my future fantasies, I sometimes consider if an all-knowing, artificial intelligence will sentimentally consider "lo" its first word, much like how most of us started with "ma". Obviously that's when it's not busy either saving or destroying the world.)

You may have already noticed that I spend a lot of time thinking about technology and its impact. It's what I make my art about (and with), and it's what I'm studying as a PhD student at the Media and Arts Technology lab, Queen Mary, University of London.

In fact, here's a picture of me with a tea-making robot I made:


I'm hoping to find other people interested in art, technology, and art & technology to talk with, so please get in touch!

Part of my research is also on new ways of communicating online, so my posts here will also serve an in-depth look at the Steem platform itself and how it can bring about change in user behaviour.


That's not all I'll be writing about, though! I'm a total sucker for travel, food and cute animals, so I'll be flooding my page with those too.

After all, who doesn't love far too many pictures of turtles?!

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