A proper introduction

Hi everyone!

I have decided that it's time for a proper introduction since I haven't really done that previously. Although it's been about 4 weeks since I joined Steemit, initially I focused on my travel blog and never really went into details about who I am.

So, let's get started. My name is Elena and I was born in Sofia, Bulgaria (Eastern Europe) I am 28 years old and I have been living in London for the past 3 years. I graduated from University of National and World Economy in Sofia and shortly after moved to London. I speak Bulgarian, English a little bit of Russian as well. I studied Swedish for 5 years and I was pretty good, but since I no longer use it, I believe I have forgotten everything. I also took classes in Hebrew and French but very basic level.
I am working for an Insurance company as a Claims Solution expert. In my free time I go to the gym, I read and quite recently joined Steemit, so I am really excited to have my own blog as well. I strive my best to eat healthy and maintain balanced and happy lifestyle.

My passion is photography and I am currently exploring different opportunities to improve my skills and turn my hobby into something more. I also love traveling, as you can see from my blog, so I do my best to fulfill this passion as often as I can.

I am glad my boyfriend introduced me to Steemit as he is very much into blockchain technology and crypto. I am excited since I met some very kind and helpful people here!

That's pretty much everything about me!
I am thrilled to part of this amazing community!
Best wishes,

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