Building Myself a STEEM Boat

It was a gamble as to whether or not I would be born a healthy infant or one that's sick and dying, like my three older sisters before me, all of whom the odds went against. I had the same chance as them, of being born with Cystic Fibrosis, a lethal inheritance of a mutated gene being passed by each parent 'carrier' we were conceived from. Its a pretty safe bet that this writing isn't coming from a cemetery, but that depends, how much are you willing to gamble? In any case, first things first:
Hello! My name is Teresina. It would seem the odds were in my favor from the start, doesn't it? However, as you and I both know, in life the odds aren't always so friendly. Rather, quite the contrary, some might say, especially those voices that come from their grave. Mute point. I'll stay the course, introducing myself, I'm taking the gamble of whether or not anyone will like me and take their time to say 'hi' in response to my short introduction. ??
So, again, this time, to make it official:
Hello! (again) I'm Teresina. Let me tell you a little about myself. This Valentine's Day of 2019 I'll be 51 (thousand) years old. I'm unwed, my only child is a girl, who's nineteen and flown the coop. When my age hit the half century mark, I left (more like escaped) my home State of New Mexico and moved to a rural area in Northern Louisiana where I live now. I look forward to the many interactions I imagine having with others here on this platform, and I invite everyone to please join me!
Officially, my whistle has sounded, this is it, first trip, sink or swim, I'm streaming up in myself a STEEM Boat!!!

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