Introducing Myself to the Steemit Community

Hello fellow Steemians!

I’ve been lurking for a few days now, so I thought I’d go ahead and post my introduction. My name is Irvin and I live in a suburb of Kansas City. To share a little bit about myself, I am a C6 quadriplegic, which means I am partially paralyzed in all four of my extremities. When I was 20 I dove into shallow water and broke my neck, that was 33 years ago (WOW time does fly). I was an IT professional for 28 years, but after a lengthy illness the company decided they didn’t need me anymore. So now I’m on disability and having to reinvent myself at the age of 53.

I have several interests including sports, finance, and I used to be active in the outdoors but have had to stop that due to health. I’ve never really been active on social media, but I like Steemit’s approach and I’m looking forward to sharing more with the community. I mentioned that I like sports and finance and I have some exciting news to share with the community that combines both. So if you’re interested in either one go ahead and follow me and I’ll be posting a thorough description in the next couple of days.

I’m a man of few words so I’ll leave it at that, and I hope you have a wonderful day, or night depending on where you’re at.

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