Introduction Of huff-n-puff.....

Hi guys my name is huff-n-puff and I am a qualified Mechanical Engineer. From as far as I can remember I have always wanted to be a mechanical engineer one my first memories was watching my dad work on his 67 Chev and he would play his old school music in the garage with the beer in one hand and a wrench in the other with his head deep down on the engine trying to figure out what's wrong or just generally cleaning the engine of his pride and joy.

Image: Pixabay 

I would try and help him by passing him tools and sometimes fetching him another cold one but somehow I always managed to get grease on me haha and mom would scold me but the sole purpose that created this desire in me to pursue engineering was when I heard my dad start that 67 Chev it was a sound that never left my mind it was so loud yet smooth you could actually hear all the components working together to from this utterly beautiful sound it changed my life forever because I had thought to myself who had the brains engineer such a beautiful peace of art . 

I realized at that Varu moment this what I was supposed to be doing I am now currently a lecturer as a Mechanical Engineer and feel as this something I'm oh so passionate about I feel there should be more people trying to peruse this field for it is our future and this is why I'm writing this to inform people what a great flied this is and to help mechanical engineering students with the answers they may have been looking for concerning the topics of mechanical engineering I will be talking about I will mostly be going into the theory of mechanical engineering and how all the topics and facts I talk about are extremely relevant to you becoming a better student or a better young mechanical engineer thank You so much for reading this and look forward to my next post which will be Introduction to Couplings....

Thank you Guys!!!

See you soon...


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