STEEMIT Call for Action!!!- Help A Unique Individual

@hrmbean: I am creating this post to raise awareness about a unique and undervalued individual who just joined Steemit and whose lifework (and steemit posts) has been largely un-noticed. > @pierce-the-veil

You may not have heard of him because of all the crazy trending "bitcoin this" or "coffee that" posts, but this guy is rocking steemit with quality and original content that can't be imitated.

This man is directly responsible for protecting countless individuals across the nation from government corruption, harassment, foreclosure, aggressive police encounters and more. He consults and provides uniquely tailored solutions for problems that most attorneys would NOT dare to touch.

Jordan typically prefers to work in the background but, when the shit goes down, he stands right up in front in the light of day to help his clients. I have personally traveled with him across the country as his secretary and witnessed him handle so many different situations.

During this time I seen (and heard him) negotiate some of the most amazing problems to a quick and easy solution. Quite Simply, his techniques that he calls "Tactical Wordsmithing" cut right through the bullshit of opposing parties and consistently bring them to bear on his points, for which they usually have no answer.

My favorite technique of his when dealing with lying parties is this: "Ok, so based on your response, and your admission of facts, I would presume you are either lying to me, or just incompetent; Which one is it?" They totally backpedal after this, knowing they were caught in a lie.

God, there is so much more.

I have seen him stand down officers in uniform overreaching their authority and threatening physical force/arrest and to the result that he walks away free with the cops scratching their heads.

I personally witnessed video of him in court contracting with a judge who was "offering" him contempt of court for simply asking questions. Judge's response at the end of the exchange? "thank you sir" then looked down, called next case, and moved on to other business. LOL.

Over the years, when helping clients Jordan has stepped in front of: municipal courts pushing traffic tickets, county attorneys, FBI agents, U.S. Marshalls, Child Protective Services, unruly court clerks criminal charges, city managers, and many others who chose to act outside the scope of their authority. His passion for truth, and calling out corruption is just fucking astounding.

He does this whenever, and wherever the occasion calls for it. Jordan does not currently rely on any special or professional equipment, does it all from his brain and laptop/word processor. He has paid thousands of dollars over the years to cover mailing fees for his clients and driving around town filing, etc.

Total passion and commitment for quality work.

The dude has so many freaking hats it's a little overwhelming to most: Near Death Experiencer, Walk-In, Tactical Wordsmith, Universal Rights Activist, Correcting harmful Patriot or "Freeman" myths, Trustee for multiple trusts, internet radio show host.

Most importantly, he is my lover and life partner.

I've never heard anyone speak the way he does, or rapidly pull up any concept, response, idea, or solution to fit any situation at any time. Some people consider him a freak, he consistently channels the right answer full of substance EVERY TIME (often in life threatening or duress situations).

I was blessed to assist him recently on a Client Rescue Mission, where he spent over $1,400 dollars of his own money and then drove over 600 miles in a period of 30 hours with no sleep on short notice, then whooped ass on everybody in town who was involved in arresting a client based on false or unsigned warrant that was more than 2 years old.
(This story requires a whole post of its own which is coming shortly).

A common occurence in Jordan's Line of Work is that, 9 TIMES out of 10, the client can't afford to pay for an attorney because some sort of government intrusion has rendered them effectively Indigent or near homeless.

The result? When a person in need comes to him I have personally witnessed him go to work for free; for MONTHS at a time. Always diligently answering every call and text from concerned clients, facing sensitive or pending issues.

To be honest, I can't believe how unappreciated and undervalued this man is, especially in today's world of killing, death, disease, government corruption, satanic media rituals and the rest.

Jordan has successfully negotiated with various Federal Agencies regarding various situations, with a positive or beneficial outcome from each exchange. He regularly invites government and intelligence white hats to contact him while broadcasting his weekly radio show.

Just A Few highlights of his tireless efforts:

  • Cannabis Charge: Got himself out of jail, no bonding, no booking, no charges, one appearance before judge, another judge was assigned to case, letter written on toilet paper by Jordan with contract terms, claims, etc., next day he was out free and clear no charges.

  • @gardenofeden got raided in 2013. Jordan moved to Garden of Eden where he has been working in the background for close to three years now. Worked hand in hand with Wes, an ally and attorney handling the raid civil rights case.
    Additionally, over the years helping deflect attacks, protecting the property, getting the property free and clear from tax liens, and discharging many debts. Jordan has worked to support Garden of Eden to support a collective vision of Destroying Old Paradigms and Living the Example of a better way to exist. Learn more about the Swat Team Raid from Anonymous' Youtube Video by following @gardenofeden or access here:
    < they did a recent post on this.

  • Used his expertise and real-time phone consultations concerning a right to travel police encounter situation involving @quinneaker, successfully prevailed with @quinneaker doing a masterful job of holding proper jurisdiction from threatening cops. The result? In less than 30 mins with combined actions of @pierce-the-veil and @quinneaker, a supervisor appeared, apologized to @quinneaker and let him travel unmolested.

  • At a later date, the FBI showed up at the gate of GOE referencing the recent "travel" incident. They wanted to make sure that we were not "freemen" and asked for clarification of what happened during the stop. Our response was basically we don't subscribe to patriot groups or threats, we're doing our own thing here, and as to the travel situation we are lawfully exercising rights while respecting our duty to protect the public from harm (private insurance).
    The result was that they expressed their support, protection, and investigative services to assist us should we require them. That was an awesome exchange.

  • Jordan is Fighting Big Banks and Corporations.
    Jordan is presently helping friends from across the country battle against Fraudulent Foreclosures, fighting big banks and corporations in and out of the court room. We all know about that fraud, but it is rare that anyone other than shyster defense attorneys are willing to do anything about it.

As we all know, the American Criminal Justice System is far more criminal than the people they say they are "protecting" us from.

Jordan is NOT an attorney and does not "represent" anyone, which adds to the difficulty of negotiation, requiring him to spend many hours consulting his clients to bring them up to a personal level sufficient to succeed. For not being an attorney, he is extremely versed in many domains of the law and concepts of natural rights. I've heard his attorney friend commenting that Jordan "has one of the most brilliant minds for law and legal reasoning".

Honestly, he is far more competent and honorable than many attorneys, most of which are purely driven by money and power.

Jordan on the other hand is driven only by his strong anarchist ideals and his passion for helping those in need. He does what Lawyers can not or will not do inside their statutory limits. He consistently provides high level work for A FRACTION of the price of regular attorneys. Actually, most of Jordan's work ends up being done for FREE. If not him, he feels no one will do it. :(

Most Law firms and private attorneys hire legal assistants or law students that use nothing but templates to produce all of their work products and court documents. Jordan however does all of his work solely on his own, never using any sort of template. He writes each and every notice, demand, complaint, petition, etc. by hand, usually working for hours on end for weeks at a time.

In small matters, I have seen him craft and produce a fact specific and professional looking notice in less than 10 minutes.

  • Jordan's Commitment to Striking at the Root of Control Structures
    Since the beginning of this year Jordan has been the host of a illusion shattering internet radio show called Piercing the Veil that he pays $75 for EVERY WEEK out of his own pocket.

Currently, although searching, he has been unable to find any individuals willing to sponsor the show.

The show focuses on educating people on rare and esoteric knowledge about everything from inherent spiritual power, to the nature of our Universe, and the criminal factions within the U.S. government.

Sadly, due to a lack of funds, Jordan may have to discontinue the show soon. He truly believes that steemit could be the answer to monetizing his valuable insights. Yet Jordan's post's are going largely un-noticed.

The information he is providing NEEDS to be out there for the people to hear! Please Don't let his flame be extinguished!!!

This man doesn't even have an office, a desk, or a place to call his own for that matter.
Jordan has been searching for land to start a home office and family, yet It consistently comes back to substantial money needed upfront.

This is his current work space.

Notice, no table, no fancy desk, nothing. Just the bottom bunk of a a small bunk bed tucked in a cramped room with no windows.

Over the past 10 years, Jordan has worked so hard fixing other people's legal situations that tends to completely neglect his own in order to save others.

For Example:

7 years ago, Jordan was not allowed to witness the birth of his son, Jensen, under the threat of armed guards at the entrance of the delivery room.

Since then, Jordan has only been able to interact with his son Jensen a couple of times, and only under dysfunctional surveillance of Jensen's unfit mother.

He has consistently reached out to attempt resolution outside of family court, and is currently ready to offer a private parenting agreement, yet lacks the required upfront funds amount to successfully appeal to her greedy nature and get her to sign.

Since the birth of his son Jensen Thomas, Jordan has not had the chance to focus on growing his personal wealth (which is currently pittance) because of his heavy work load and lack of financial support.

Nonetheless, he sends energy and love to Jensen every night, and continues to work towards acquiring sufficient capital to support his Private Parenting Agreement Offer.

This hardworking man deserves STEEMIT support.

Jordan truly believes in the power of this platform to change others lives, and his own pressing life goals/custody of his son, without going through the hell of family court or giving up helping his clients.

Anyone who has ever experienced or witnessed family court knows that an extended court battle always causes harm to Child's fragile psyche.

Jordan has been patiently working/waiting in the background waiting for the best opportunity to settle the matter.

This selfless man deserves to be recognized for all the hard work he has done, AND CONTINUES TO DO, for the people around him. He deserves to have people fight for him as hard as he fights for other people.

Steemit can help by getting Jordan's situation and life story out there and following!

We all know there are a lot of stupid posts on here making money. Please be a real human being and support a true rising star on this planet and his posts.

Any and all support is welcome. Whether, upvote, share, liking, donation, whatever.

Thank you for taking time to read this post.

I may not know all of you, but appreciate every single one of you, and I appreciate Jordan.

Amy aka H.R.M Bean
P.s. Never forget to look within.

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