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For the Most Part, Hookers are Pretty Happy...

 I got my first official job when I was 14 years old, Waffle House Inc. The crap I put up with, the pay I got and the inevitable future I saw ahead had me pretty sure I should have cared a lot more in high school. Buuut, I didn't. I soon realized that not unlike my adolescence, I didn't quite "get" other's and they damn sure never got me. After over a decade of shitty jobs and long hours barely making ends meet, I found myself. The in-between is a story for another time but the rough road led me to an industry I would never have guessed could be so accepting, rewarding and flat out fun!  There is a few reason why I think more people should have a better understanding of the sex-work industry, most of which stem from the absolutely false information I was fed from society. Of course, there are pimps somewhere, and I am sure someplace exist where drug addicted psychopathic prostitutes roam the streets scavenging for car dates but for the most part, from what I've seen and been through for the last six months ... Most hookers are pretty happy.  

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