
My name is Paige Penlington. I am a homeschooling mother of 4 children 5 and under. I am a garden activist, a musician, and shieldmaiden in the s.c.a., a wife, an aspiring farmer, and craftsperson.
I suffer from cptsd (complex post traumatic stress dissorder) from years living with abusive alcoholic parents, and being chewed through the foster care system. Besides ancestry, this is why i chose a viking persona. To fight every day with your own mind, is a terrifying battle. The overcoming of the battles in our minds, is a celebration worth sharing. I plan to write a memoir in paper form to expose the forgotten children who pack their clothes in garbage bags and slip through the cracks of our government.
Follow me to read about; what we did to battle the city and save our garden, what its like to homeschool, marriage, diy's, and the ugly truths of being raised in the foster system. I will also share our adventures in the society for creative anachronism!
-Helga Bloodaxe20170615_202939.jpg

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