Introduceyourself- New Steemit Member!


Hello, and thank you for welcoming me to Steemit! I am new to the concept of blogging, but I've heard a lot of good about this particular social media platform. I expect that the experience will be fun and challenging. Any advice you have for a beginner such as myself would be great! I look forward to connecting with you and others in the Steemit community!

A Little Bit About Me

I am an Upper Midwest (United States) artist, living with chronic physical and mental illness. I gain much of my creative inspiration from my exprience with these illnesses. Despite dramatic lifestyle changes, and limitations, I continue to be someone who finds purpose in human connection, and helping others.

About My Art

I've dabbled in many forms of self expression over my lifetime, but my primary focus in recent years has been jewelry art.


I began selling my hand crafted jewelry on etsy in 2012, though I've been making jewelry since my early teens. I started consigning my work locally, as well as selling at art festivals, and other local events. Truth be told, I prefer the face to face interaction with my customers. It feels more personal, and I can connect with a wider range of people.


I've included a link to my Instagram, as I am not very active in selling on etsy during the summer months. Feel free to take a look at my work and tell me what you think!

Most of my Jewelry features upcycled pieces, and earthy textures. I also do a lot of wire wrapping with stones, sea glass, and other natural materials.

My goal for the future: To be able to teach jewelry classes or get involved with community education. The thing I hear the most when people see my work is "I wish I could learn how to do that!"

As someone who is disabled, my creative talents have helped me maintain a small amount of income while being unable to work a regular job. Its a daily struggle to produce enough income. I guess this makes me a starving artist of sorts.

About my Illness

I will have more detailed posts in the future about each illness, but for now I'm just going to cover the basics.

I was diagnosed with Major Depression, Generalized Anxiety, and Panic Disorder at the age of 9.

At the age of 15 I was diagnosed with Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) which causes cysts to form in the ovaries. Its incredibly painful, and causes a variety of symptoms. Women with PCOS have a higher risk of developing Ovarian Cancer.

At the the age of 18 I was Diagnosed with Intersticial Cystitis (IC) or Painful Bladder Syndrome. This is an autoimmune disease in which the body attacks the bladder tissue, and causes painful ulcers to form.

At the age of 24 I was Diagnosed with Osteoarthritis and Fibromyalgia. This is a chronic, lifelong condition that causes severe widespread pain throughout the body. Other symptoms include headaches, sleep disorders, cognitive impairment, sensitivity to temperature/weather changes, as well as sensitivity to light, sound, and smell.

At the age of 25 I had a partial hysterectomy to remove both of my ovaries. Each ovary had grown to about the size of a grapefruit. They were riddled with pre-cancerous tumors and fibroids. The surgery forced my body into what is knows as surgical menopause, which had its own variety of awful symptoms. Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy (BHRT) has helped in dealing with these symptoms, and keeping my hormones balanced.

At 26 I was diagnosed with PTSD. I'm not comfortable getting into details, but the diagnosis was traced back to childhood abuse, and abusive relationships as a young adult.


My Future

Each day is its own battle, and even the simplest task can require a lot of effort. My most difficult symptom to manage is the constant fluctuating pain. I struggle to not let this define me. Its limited my physical abilities in many ways, and I've had to re evaluate much of my identity because of this.

Most people define themselves by what they do. When your ability to "do" is taken away, that is when things get complicated. That is when your life grinds to a screeching halt. You are forced to look at yourself and the world around you through different eyes.

My future is in awareness, and self discovery. Its in kindness towards others. Being a better friend, partner, daughter, sister. Being a better human! My future is NOT letting this diseased mortal vessel turn me into a hardened bitter spirit.

Thank you for taking the time to read my introduction! I look forward to reading and developing more posts, and being apart of the Steemit community!


Photo Credit: All photos were taken by me!

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