A NU START - How I saw through the lies, took responsibility and turned my life around

Who am I?

-A poor kid from a poorer neighbourhood who grew up with bankrupt parents

-A complete nerd who spent the first 13 years of his life being bullied relentlessly

-A rebellious youth who spent the next 14 years making poor decision after poor decision and refusing to take personal responsibility

-A musician

-A recently “red-pilled” (I hate that term, but it really does best express the process) anarcho-capitalist who has begun to take control of his life

-A lifelong truth seeker and spiritual explorer

-A student of religion (in the academic sense)

-A professional wrestling über geek

-A proud dad

-A dissident

-A work in progress

Greetings fellow Steemians,

Now that you know a little about who I am. Let me tell you how seeing through the lies gave me a new lease on life and turned me into a “class-traitor”. Here is my (brief) story.

I grew up poor and dependant on the state. After leaving school, I made a series of bad choices and blamed everyone but myself for the situation I was in. Of course, the truth was that I was solely responsible for the choices I had made that had kept me in such a sorry state, but I could not accept this and instead blamed everyone BUT me, I became depressed. That depression only further elevated my dependency on the state. Bouncing from job to job, relying on welfare between jobs to fund my expensive music habit, living week to week at best, and day to day most of the time was difficult. I resorted to some things I’m really not proud of to be able to pay some rent and have food for my partner and I as she grew a life inside her.

We ended up homeless.

We spent a night in our car, the next day I went to the local church who partnered us with some charity organisations. They provided us with assistance to relocate interstate to be with my parents in an attempt to get back on our feet. It was the fastest, most efficient help I had ever received, and whats more is that it felt like they actually cared. On our arrival interstate they also hooked me up with a mental health professional. After some deep discussions I begun to realise what was wrong. I had absolutely no control over my own life. I was constantly looking for someone to blame, and someone else to bail me out. Unfortunately it didn’t take hold just yet. Though the first steps were being taken.

I read.

I meditated.

I worked out.

I made a conscious decision to take control of my life and started a pathway course to get into university, where I am currently doing a combined bachelor of arts/bachelor of business majoring in religion, for personal fulfilment; and economics, for practicality.

My journey had led me to anarcho-capitalist philosophy and Austrian economics, converging with an interest in Heathenry; all of which taught me that no one is to blame for the actions that led me here but myself, and furthermore, that blame doesnt matter, all that matters is that I wake up and fix it now, because I can. I got here by way of the alt-right, which some may criticise me for; but honestly, without Mike Cernovich’s Gorilla Mindset to help me start taking personal responsibility or Milo Yiannopolous’ antics amusing me and giving a name to the ideas I had long subscribed to (cultural libertarianism), which led to political libertarianism, minarchism and finally anarcho-capitalism, I probably wouldn't be here speaking to you all. In trying to spread these ideas recently, someone I work with called me a class-traitor. I wouldn't be here if it weren't for the generosity of the state they said. Technically I suppose they are correct, but I tried to explain that on a deeper level without the machinations of the state everyone would be in a better position and that self fulfilling prophecy of needing the state to maintain a life within the state would be moot. He eventually came around. But the idea that I’m a class-traitor really struck with me. Ive had a few people express similar sentiments, and honestly, its a badge I’m going to wear with pride and spread the word amongst the communities who need it. Because we need more class-traitors to wake up to the truths of the system, take personal responsibility, and break the chains we’ve been born or trapped into. The truth is. I don’t need a handout, no one does. Human beings are capable of amazing things. We can make our own way in this world.

I am still on my path. Finding a way to break free financially, while studying and needing to keep a roof over my daughters head is hard, but it is a challenge I know I can find an answer to. I am a work in progress, and I look forward to trading ideas with you all. 

Stick around if you’re interested in reading about:


-Religion & Mythology

-Australian politics through the lens of freedom

-Professional Wrestling

-General pop culture and geeky gaming goodness

-Further expansions upon the journey I have taken to become a class traitor

Much love,


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