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Introductory Post

Greetings fellow crypto-savages!

Below I will give a brief introduction of myself and why I am stoked on Steemit! So without further ado..


I own and operate a small family farm in the mountains of North Carolina with my wife, 10 month old son, and our dog Rio. We grow primarily salad greens, but also a fair amount of other veggies as well. We sell to a few different grocery stores and distributors and are currently just over 4 months in on trying to make this a full time living.

What I hope to offer the Steemit Community is a look, and perhaps even a guidebook, of how to:

A) Make a living from the land
B) Increase your self-sufficiency
C) Create liberty and freedom in your daily life

I am by no means at expert, but I will share what I have learned so far with the hope of giving others a head start should they choose to pursue a similar path. Even if someone does not wish to make a full-time living off the land, I hope to offer many tips and strategies to at least gain more liberty and independence in one's daily life. Whether this be growing a garden, canning preserves, or knife sharpening; I hope to share these skills with others we can all become more resilient as a human race.

So now, why am I STOKED on Steemit? Well I'll admit, I am very new to this platform, but what I like most about it is that it gives people such as myself with very limited disposable income a chance to participate in the crypto-revolution that is currently underway. Here is a platform that actually rewards it's users for creating original, thought-provoking posts and comments, while at the same time naturally discouraging trolls. It's a beautiful free-market solution to all the noise on Facebook and other social platforms; a system that encourages value over vanity.

Anyway that's my intro! As mentioned I'm pretty new to this so feel free to leave any comments, tips, etc. I look forward to meeting other Steemers and contributing to the community.

Thanks for reading!


P.s. Check us out at

