My introductory post on steemit


Hello steemit and to all steemit users, this is @glowcommunity and we are new here on steemit. We were introduced to steemit by our very own @hermannsol who has been talking about us too. We are glad we are finally here.

Talking about us, GLOW is an acronym which stands for growing light of the World. The idea was to become a light to our world through activities that shine a light of positivity and change to our community first, country and then the World. The whole centered around the fact that we felt the sufferings and hurt of the needy and less privileged in our community and society. They really needed help and we decided to come up with a way we could stretch out a hand. Since we were all young and still students, we decided to atleast celebrate our birthdays and special occasions with the loss priviledged. It all started like this and in March 2018 we carried out our very first celebration which was a very successful one. We were so happy to see how the little we did meant to the kids we celebrated with because we visited an orphanage. We then made up our minds to go on outreach programs every month during which, we will do free will donations and come up with funds to be able to purchase gifts and basic items for our chosen location.


It has been a huge success and we keep growing everyday. We have visited an orphanage twice and individuals too in the space of our 4 months as a group. Every month, we carry out outreach programmes to chosen locations and they have been a really huge success as all in the community are devoted to the cause. We are young and not financially stable but that will not stop us from doing the little we can do. A wise man said:

Be the change that you want to see in the World

Mohandas Gandhi

It has been a good journey so far these few months and we keep striving to keep growing and improving so as to better help many others. We believe we can really go a long way and impact so many lives if we stick to our vision and goals.
We are Glowcom and we want to be there when there is need. We want to be able to make others smile in their momebts of sadness, difficulties and worries.
We want to make a change in our World.


We are happy to be part of this steemit community and we will be glad to share our every activity with the steemit community. We are also hoping to gain suppkrt and raise up funds to fully aid our programmes and activities and doing more.
We hope we are welcome here on steemit and hope we will have a great time here doing and sharing what we love.

We are Glow Community and lighting the World is our mission.

Thank you...

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