Prambanan temple

Prambanan Temple is the tallest and prettiest temple in the world. Unlike the Borobudur Temple. Borobudur Temple is the largest temple in the world. Prambanan Temple comes from the words Para and Brahman which means Brahman the Great. built in the 9th century AD, by Rakai Pikatan of the Sanjaya Dynasty. This temple is dedicated to the 3 main gods of Hinduism, namely Brahma God of Creator, Vishnu Sustainer and Shiva Destructionist God.
Area of ​​Prambanan Temple - + 80 hectares. Prambanan temple is divided into two pages, the first page consists of 224 Perwara Temple is a guard temple that has a height of 14 meters, but currently only two buildings are still intact and stand firm. Why only two? Because the stones that had been destroyed in antiquity were taken by local people to make the foundation of the house.
The second page consists of 16 temples, 3 major main temple or Trimurti namely Siwa Temple which has a height of 47 meters, Wisnu Temple in the north and Brahma in the south of which each temple has a height of 33 meters. 3 temple rides that are right in front of the main temple.

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