My Introduction to the Community


Hey everyone.

As I got accepted to Steemit I thought it might be a good idea to introduce myself.
I am 28 years old and I've been living in the famous country of Austria (NOT the kangaroos :) ) since I was a child. More accurate it's a small city next to Graz.

I've found my way to Steemit through some friends, who told me that Steemit could be the next big thing – the new big social media portal. Another thing that caught me is, that Steemit is based on a blockchain. As I'm very interested in cryptocurrencies this might be the perfect platform for me :)

I love doing sports - particulary soccer! I'm not in a soccer club anymore, but scoring goals with my buddies is always a priority. The other thing I love is my laptop, which I'm using day out one day.


I'm always open to new challenges and I guess that's why I started my first own business „Finanzbaron“ this summer. In July I took my first steps into online-marketing and I really love it. (I thought about this step the last 2 years) A year ago I created my first own website with WordPress It was always a dream to have my own website, but I've been always to lazy to learn html or another coding language.

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My website is all about trying to show my readers serios methods to earn money in the internet. There won't be articles on how to be a millionare :P

By the way, I'm studying at the university in Graz to become a teacher.

My priority on steemit is to find a bunch of people, who share my values and exchange there ideas with me. Life's all about learning!

I hope you have a nice day

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