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Guess who's back!? - It's me!

Welcome back to Steemit.. To me.

Hello Steemit! I have been gone for quite some time now. I believe it has been around a year. Now I am back and hopefully I’ll have more to say than I had yesteryear.

It has been quite the year for me. And now I am starting my last year of my bachelor and about to write the thesis for that as well in this coming semester. Oh how time flies! With that in mind I might not have so much time for being in here after all. I will however do my part of trying to be here more often.

What will you see by me on this platform?

It would be nice to dedicate the account to something specific but I don’t want to limit myself and the platform doesn’t allow multiple accounts as far as I know so this place is kinda ‘my place’; it’s a personal blog and well.. you won’t always know what you get - don’t worry - neither do I..

I do have some thoughts on what I'm gonna be writing about..

I’ll be writing about philosophy - my major. Maybe I’ll put in some parts of communication tips as well as that is my minor. I am vegan and like 80% raw vegan - it has been a wild adventure since I first tried it out last year and I do indeed have tips and tricks up my sleeve for this topic. And I have a thing for old TV-shows - mostly sitcoms from the 80-90’ies - and I sure have a lot of thoughts regarding those.
Maybe I’ll mix in some betting tips at some point too - I did posts about that last time I was here but my betting kinda staled at some point. I am getting back in the game now though.
At last I’m thinking there’ll be some random things and maybe some fashion and fiction as well.

So we have: Philosophy, communication, sitcoms, (raw)veganism, betting, fiction, fashion and random thoughts. Anything missing? lol

What do you write about on Steemit? Tell in the comments and maybe someone will stumble upon your profile!

And please say - what are you most looking forward to reading about from me?