Hi everyone. I am Farzin, a doctor, and ready to share on a such a great idea and community : Steemit

Hi every one

My name is Farzin. I was born in Iran and I am 41. Since I am crazy about telling stories let my very first lines be about my story. Hope it is not boring.

I was born like every other one and nothing exciting I can remember to share here with you until I was 9, when my father bought me a book. It was one of the stories by Shakespeare written and simplified for my peers. That was Macbeth -a comic strip.

I was a bookworm even as a child and I so eagerly went through all the pages. Damn! The vibe was so dark and scary. To make a long story short, the cartoon of the Macbeth’s bleeding head in the last page scared the hell out of me and that was the very first time I felt death must be spooky. I started sleepless nights thinking of death. I wasn’t afraid of me dying, rather freaked out about ‘what if my parents die and leave me’. So I started counting their years. I thought they would hopefully live 100 years.

I was 10 when I saw in the news that Russian (Soviet Union at that time) scientists were working on a way to counteract the aging process and increase longevity, and that was it for me: the spark, the inspiration. And the spark kept me flamed up for many years until I became a doctor – a GP, not a scientist, so instead of helping my parents to live longer I started helping other people, and so ironically, my father, my best friend, came down with a mysterious rare disease called PSP at the age of 61 (so young right?). He went 3 years undiagnosed. My strong, passionate, lovely, manly man lost everything. In his last months of his life he was not even able to talk, eat, or even move his eyes. All that love and passion locked up in a broken body.

I was on a night shift when mom called sobbing: he left. He closed his tired sad eyes forever. Those words crushed me down. That was it. I decided to dedicate myself to fighting for lives of others’ mothers, fathers, children, loved ones even harder,  and that was how I studied, studied and studied.

PSP is incurable. Even with the right diagnoses no one could have done more, but I definitely know how the limbo feels when your beloved one burns down right in front of your eyes when no one knows what’s going on Ok. That’s about it about the ancient history ;)

I have a backpack. I take it on my shoulder and I go far far away to rural areas of my country where poor people suffer from shortage of medical facilities and doctors. 10-14 days every month. When I am at my hometown I run courses for doctors wishing to learn more.

I am also a tough fighter for animal rights. For those earthlings that have been brutally abused, bothered, and tortured by human kind’s selfishness for long. 

To recap this is me in a few sentences: Doctor; eager to help others; so tough but so easily breaking into tears when I am alone; I love meditation; a big fan of music and movies; a terrible cook, a good company; happy and sad at the same time (great cocktail ;)) I do meditation almost every day and when I get time I do some kick boxing. 

I was introduced to Steemit few days back. I loved the idea. I don’t know whether it lasts or if so, for how long, but I like the brain behind it. No matter how it ends, I will try to pay my share of contribution to the work. And if it pays, half will be donated to animal shelters right away. If not, at least I have tried with my best intentions. 

I might be of use if you need a doctor for some free consultation or medical advice, online. I am also thinking about some notes, tips and tricks for medical students, and junior doctors.Let's see how it goes

I hope this is useful. Don’t hesitate to ask if you feel it will help …


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