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Introduction to Ero Offende



At this day in age, it seems that everything is offensive. Having an opinion is offensive, not having an opinion is offensive, holding the same opinion is offensive, and on it goes.

Offend - To cause displeasure, anger, resentment, or wounded feelings in.

While this is not the only definition for offend, it is the definition I mean to use.

In my everyday life, I find it hard to hold conversation, comment on subjects, or even engage in small talk if its outside a circle of close knit family and friends.
I won't lie, I am a frequent Facebook user. I use the word frequent loosely. I scroll from post to post to post, but I rarely actually post or comment myself. Many times I see something I would like to comment on and then I refrain. Not that I really think Facebook is a good place anyhow.

Why, you may (but probably didn't) ask?
To avoid an argument, for one. Because every conversation now seems to be a fight to the death. Its not an exchange of ideas or theories. It may likely end with your body in a dumpster rather than a good ol' touche.
For two, even if you do start up a conversation, its like no one can keep a story straight or remember what they were standing for in the first place.
Third and finally, fear of being wrong. I know that sounds stupid, but its really that simple.

I'm sure that within this introductory post I will offend someone. Being offended is the new everything - the new black, the new orange, the new popular, the new nerd, the new rich. "I'm Offended" seems to be what people, at least my generation (millennial) with some overlap in both directions, stand for. I think that is a problem.

Ero offende - very broken Latin for "I offend". Why did I choose Latin? Probably because it makes me seem more sophisticated. Because using Latin seemed cool. Because it made it feel more important. And also because... nope that's really it.

Well, its time to step away from all that and join in on all the fun. I will be wrong. I will be offensive. When I am wrong, I'll readjust and try to be right next time. If I'm offensive, meh.... stop being so sensitive and giving me something other than "I'm offended" or "that's offensive" to change my mind.