Introduction | Eric Abbott - Christian Entrepreneur

Hey guys, Eric Abbott here! I have been in online marketing for several years, and let me just get this out right now that my mission in life is to tell the good news of Jesus Christ
As a Christian entrepreneur, to me.. there are GOOD ideas, and then there are God ideas.

I have struggled with this for awhile, trying to find a balance of business and what God has called me to do as a follower of Christ. Many things I have done in the passed has conflicted. Now I know many people, especially in today's world, has the thought process of keep religion and business separate, but as for me and my passions.. and convictions, it has not allowed for my brain to do such things.

I want to do something big.. but I do not want to become a pastor, but be a businessman, yet do it in a way that brings glory to God. I know many are not religious and I understand that. I wish to be able to do something which can benefit those who wish to help with a great cause as well that is doing something good for the world where even when a non-believer wishes to help, they are doing something that is good within my ministry.

So, here is my introduction to myself as well as my project.

Long Term Results: Partnering Up with Destiny Rescue -- A Christian organization which goes behind the enemy lines, into dangerous areas around Indie and other countries where child trafficking is very bad, getting tapped into that industry under cover, working with local law enforcement, and rescuing children who are under the age of 17 trapped in the slave industry.

I wish to use my business skills to create a community of Christians. A Social network based upon Christian News, Christian Apologetics (Learning how to defend the faith and witness to others biblically without fear) and Global Breaking News.

I have the foundations of this project up now with a basic social media script and a wordpress magazine template.
How this works is when members of the social network post stories, youtube videos, etc into the forums or their profile feeds -- it can be featured on the front page of the magazine part of the site, with the member who posted the story getting credit for it, acting as a reporter.

Visitors reading the front pages and stories (Who are not in the social network aspect of it) that just come to read their daily news and watch videos, can at any point signup to the social network and follow their favorite members who bring the best quality stories to the front page.

Eventually, when enough traffic starts happening, the stories can be monetized with some ads and begin to generate some revenue.

When a members story makes some revenue, they can be compensated depending on how much traffic and clicks their stories are generating. Obviously, the more followers at the site, aswell as their other social media outlets, the better traffic and revenue. (This is not happening yet, but its a vision I am going for)

And the revenue generated from donations and supporters buying merchandise, large portions of that will go to rescuing children through Destiny Rescue.

------------ About me
(Picture of wife and myself)

I have been in online marketing for 12 years now, have been in advertising and brand building for a good amount of that, have started some smaller scale web advertising companies over the years and ended up eventually selling my shares after I got them started. I live in a small town in Texas, and married to a beautiful Christian music director at my church, who I met at my church :)

I love Christian theology, reading God's word, studying Christian apologetics, going on mission trips and business.

My goal is to start and operate a project full time using my business skills and passions.!
(Me on mission trip in Ecuador)

Thanks for reading! Looking forward to getting to know and becoming more involved with the Steemit community!
Please follow me, as I am brand new here! @ericabbott

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