Introducing Myself: Bitcoin Early Adopter, Content Producer & Designer

This morning I woke up to a message from my friend James. His Twitter is one of the more valuable sources of marketing information I look at, so when I saw that he'd reached out to let me know about a specific project, I knew it had to be good.

It was a link to the Steem project homepage. Before even getting out of bed, I skimmed the site, and saw some keywords I liked. Cryptocurrency, free market, content - these are the sorts of things that grab my eye. So, without reading too much more, I decided to make an account.

Now, it's about an hour later. I've put on a pot of coffee. Haven't poured a cup yet, though. I've been too caught up reading about this platform that seems to do what I've wanted BitCoin to do since the beginning. Take the market model BitCoin established and implement it in a specific field. (I was an early adaptor of BitCoin, and used it as the primary currency of Sedazad/NedaNet, a free speech advocacy NGO I run from our inception until a few years ago when we diversified.)

Right now I have a few irons in the fire. My main project is NTMY News (heads up: turn your adblocker on, we've got a lot there!) It's essentially a news organization that monetizes clickbait so we can run articles from members of different marginalized communities. Post a video of a chicken wearing pants, so we can run an article talking about the interplay of #BlackLivesMatter and Hotep. Write a listicle, run a piece about trigger runnings. Stuff like that. (It looks like Steem may completely shift how that works, though - follow me here on Steem to see that progression.)

Outside of NTMY, I also run a small clothing store, the [Sam Jones House](]. Right now we offer just a few designs and do some marketing through social media, and do fulfillment through Printful. It's mostly just a small project, for me to learn the ropes of modern fulfillment, and to play around with graphic design. I also help do the marketing for several bands in my local area, as well as their graphic design and merchandising.

On the social media side of things, I hate to admit, but I let myself stay within Facebook's walled garden for too long. Between all the different pages I run, though, I've managed to get a weekly audience of about a quarter million.

In my personal life, I've written and released a poetry book . I'll probably be syndicating that through Steemit's poetry tag, as well. I also have a noise project, because it's 2016 and if you aren't making noise music, I don't know what you're doing with yourself. Right now some of our stuff is on Soundcloud and YouTube, but I'm getting ready to move it in-house, so am going to skip out on providing a link for now.

That's, I think, a pretty decent summary of the projects I'm working on these days. I'm really excited about Steemit, though, and expect you'll see me integrate it in a variety of ways through a lot of these projects. If you made it this far, thanks, and how about giving me a vote to show me just how cool Steem can be!

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