Maybe I'm too passionate, and maybe that's good

"You are too passionate" a phrase often used to describe me, pointed as a flaw. Well let me tell you something, It's a strength.

One of the things I love the most is to see the little spark in someone's eye when they talk about somenthing that they really love. We all have those things, even small things, the ones that we can talk about for hours with a big smile on our faces, heart beating fast and a shot of adrenaline in our veins.  And then someone comes in with an ice bucket and turns off the flames. Because we are  taught to seal those wild feelings inside and keep the spark away. Society is afraid of that spark, and teach us to be too. And is afraid because that spark is what set us apart from the rest, is what make us stand out from the crowd, is ultimatly, what makes us unique.

Great people are not afraid of passion, they embrace it and make it into somenthing truly amaizing. They are the people we hope to be, the ones we admire and the truth is that we all have the potencial to be like them. 

So next time someone tells you that "You are too passionate" take it as a compliment, feels proud and turn the spark into flames. Maybe your passion is medicine, music, teaching, art, writing, your kids or whatever, these are the things that makes you who you are, and is a good thing that we all have different passions.

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