Hello steemit comunity!

First of all, I would like to note that I am very very excited about doing the first step and finally write my first post ever here at steemit.

My name is Efrat, I'm a mother of two charming sons at the beginning of their adolescence...

Happily married to the most talented carpenter in our country.

I live in Israel.

What I like best to do besides watching my boys play handball is to travel in Israel and around the world and eat. I love to eat almost everything. Street food ,gourmet food in fence restaurants. The main thing is that it will taste delicious.

I plan to use this steemit platform to write about my trips and of course recommendations on restaurants I visited.

Of course, from time to time I will also write about anecdotes of my daily life, and all that will make me a Muse to talk about.
I would be happy if you respond when the subject I write about will speak to your heart.
Follow me @efratbit and upvote if you like.

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