Modern Day Miracles

"There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle." Albert Einstein

I choose the the latter.

I was born into, and lived first 18 years, in a conservative mennonite family. Though I am extremely thankful for the morals these teachings have instilled in me, I still felt something was missing.

Leaving the only thing I had ever known was challenging, but turned out to be the best decision of my life.

I see "miracles" almost daily now. Happenings you can't begin to describe or even make sense of. The part I find most interesting is that these didn't start happening until roughly 21 months ago; long after I believed in God.

So who is responsible for these strange happenings?

This is the journey I have begun. To make sense of the interconnected world we live in.

I believe we all have the ability to experience these mystical occurrences if only we "tune" ourselves into them.

Awareness and perception are two areas in life we need to attune to daily. To help this awareness I have been meditating and spending time in silence in nature. I have also recently began practicing yoga.


Through these activities, as well as keeping a clean diet, I hope to push myself further down this path of understanding. I want to better understand my own consciousness, how it interacts with others, and how it plays into the collective.

I believe there to be miracles surrounding us all. Some of us may not recognize them, and others only perceive them as chance.

One question I have to ask is at what point do "coincidences" become something greater?

Perception makes, or breaks, your reality.

Perceive wisely.

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