My presentation on hive

Hello everyone my name is David Vivas, and this is my presentation on Hive


Who am I?
I am a boy originally from the state Táchira - Venezuela, where I currently reside, I am 21 years old and I am a student of the career administration of companies. I consider myself a lover of sports, film and video games. In addition to always being very curious on spatial, philosophical and historical issues
I've never been a very active person on the subject of social relationships, and let's just say I've always had that problem when it comes to relating to people. Nevertheless, I always call attention the topic of generation of content to a certain public that shares your same tastes, not only on common platforms like youtube, but on sites like this where you can share with other people the topics that you like the most
How do I get here?
Since the coronavirus pandemic, I have started looking in various places for some opportunities that give me not only a project in which to entertain myself, but in the future it will serve me to learn and gain experience in this type of content. At my age, I feel like there's a lot of things to learn, and I hope this one works for me.
I came here for the recommendation of a friend who has already had experience in such sites, I had also heard of the page especially by twitter where they always spoke very well about it.
And that's why I decided to go into the community and personally meet the users and their contents. Where you are pleasantly surprised by the quality and variety of the themes, as well as the users who help and stimulate the creation of content.
The main goal is to provide the best content for all of you, and to enjoy as I do, the topics that I like the most and what i always liked, and for which I am sure that many people also liked it.
Try to bring as many ideas as possible, and always seek a balance between the variety of topics I would like to capture.
Without further adding this was my presentation, and I hope this is the beginning of a nice path for me, with the help of you to continue growing all as a community.


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