Explore Possibility - dApp Money Joins Steemit


The possibilites of cryptocurrency are near endless in 2020. The ability of users around the world to converge on a website through a decentralized application (dApp) makes free speech, democracy and free movement of capital entirely possible.

Who I am:

A passionte user and developer of cryptocurrency applications and dApps.

A lover of art, brutalism in architecture and EDM from Skrillex to Yellow Claw.

A hiker, biker, kayaker and liver of life.

I am a community builder, and am excited to be joining you on Steemit.

I started 2019 with a hardship that shook me. It made me realize how important every breath is. I was given a diagnosis of IBS, and it was bad. It was crippling my life, and I went from 180 pounds to 110. It looked like it was curtains, but through proper diet and exercise, I have regained much.

I am a proponent of brains and brawn. Pleased to meet you all, please join me in my journey and I'll be there for yours.


Pictures Pixabay.

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