Introducing D-Radio: A Decentralised Radio For Common Folks


Hi folks, Let me do some introduction of myself before going into the D-Radio.

I'm @dcrazy. I'm 24 years old. I'm from Bangalore, a city which is called the Silicon Valley Of India. I'm studying MBA Course in Business Management and also work part time to earn some money for my studies and family. That's all let's talk about D-Radio.

What Is D-RADIO?

I'm new to Steemit and also to Cryptocurrency but I see they are the Greatest Creation Of 21st Century. As I was getting around Steemit and all the projects like @dlive, @dtube, @dmania etc. I was impressed to see that there are more members active in this community than any other Cryptocurrency.

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Let's talk about Radio than move on to D-Radio:

Radio was one of the Revolutionary Technologies of 20th Century which was invented by Guglielmo Marconi in 1894. It was one of the main reason for the Development of Nationalism during the World Wars. It is one piece of technology that created a whole branch of Electronics but has very little Appreciation In the 21st Century.

As there are many people coming to Steemit from different countries, they like to post blogs in their own language and there are also normal people who don't know English coming to this platform looking for some earnings. Those people know how to talk in their language and also have life experiences of many years or decades.

D-RADIO is the project created to help those people writing and speaking about their life, culture and nationality in their language. As I know this very well because India Has 22 Official Languages and I know around 3 Languages like Kannada, English and Hindi.

Indian Languages

So there are more than 6500 languages in the world. Of them at least 250 languages can be considered as major languages speaker by around 100000 people. If they come to Steemit and don't know any languages, they can just talk about what they want to tell instead of trying to learn English and also this will be helpful for Common People to use Steemit instead of just going away from it.

World Languages

D-Radio Features:

D-RADIO will be launched as an App and afterwards Website version will be created.

Here some feature of D-Radio you what to know about:

1: Multiple Account Support

2: Upload of Recording and Going Live Feature.

3: Adding Pictures and a Short Description about what they are talking.

4: In-App Keyboard supporting more than 100 languages.

5: As we know that people really like to talk with others than alone. We are introducing a new feature where people can add Friends and other members when # Live just like Discord Voice Channel. This is one feature which everyone will love as I have seen many people very busy in those Voice Channel.


D-Radio Development Team:

@steepshot development team will be working on this project as they find it interesting. They are a team consisting of 20 members who are really great and they agreed to develop this project.


Funding For Project:

As I already told you I'm a student but I work part time and my earnings is around ₹15000 or $250. But these earnings are spent on my Studies and My family. I don't have much left for anything else. That's why I tried to to take some loans of around $1000 to kick-start the project but my friends refused to loan when I told what will I do with the money.

Hence I'm not able to fund the project and it has stalled in progress. This project needs around $1000 or 400 STEEM to to setup a website and develop some UI and then @steepshot would continue the development work.

If you SP, Upvote this post and Resteem it.

Send some Donations for the Project.

All the members who sent will be appreciated and will become Golden Members of Our Discord Server.

Logos were designed by @weberh8

Thanks for Reading @d-radio

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