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..who AM I??..

..well well well, better to introduce myself later than never..

IMGP0065 steemit.JPG parents named me Ricardo although people call me Cyber, I prefer just Cy =Ð..
(from the nickname @CyberSpaceGod due to the fact I've been a developer/programmer/IT Technician and enthusiast in the past, still am to some extent)

Born in 1984 (Orwell was right!! pun intended..), I'm 34 now, and used to be a complete extrovert, fun, easy going human, until life vicissitudes(these include my own bad choices, but for the most part the fact that someone made me a targeted individual, gang stalked, something like a lab rat in a sociopathic, hardcore level sadistic Truman Show, for too many reasons to describe here..) got me lost for the last 20+ Years, turning me into an introvert imprisoned in mind and home, in a complete insane world, just trying to keep some sanity..

..becoming a father of 3, twin boys at 18 and another boy at 19, prevented me of committing suicide(..also used by whom decided to make my life hell, whoever he/she/They are, s%#!!y IHS/JHS.. DO NOT give them that 'pleasure'..)..

..none of this matter(or if it do for some reason, and/or You emphasize and want or need to talk, I'm all ears(eyes, lets keep it real, it's a monitor!! still like to joke a bit sometimes =Ð and have a couple too many life stories related to almost everything.. ohw and btw the Turban, uncut beard and hair, 2 of the 5Ks (kakars, external articles of faith) are a great part of my identity and do not mean I'm a terrorist or extremist, well, a tad extreme some times xÐ (forgive me for this), it means I follow the teaching of Sri Guru Granth Sahib check it out if You are curious and then come back to Steemit, there is still more here!! =Þ..

..I do believe that there is still a chance, to change the craziness the world is in, the absence of critical thinking and humanity, the levels of stupidity in the masses, and here at Steemit as Steemian I see a possibility of at least get my 'art' appreciated by someone who might identify with it, also I might return to writing, I've had 3 books written, 1 of them reviewed and ready to publish, but ended up burning them all =_| ..

..if it becomes possible to give some of my drawings or paintings to someone I'll be happy to do so, I did them to express and understand myself better, not to collect them for as much as I may like them..

..beside that, there's the possibility of making a stand through the blockchain, cryptos, and a sense of community I hope to keep seeing around here and for it to grow even more, against the financial system, governments and all the other 'satanic' bull$#%! that creates a great majority of the evil on earth..

..Thank You very much fellow Steemians && sorry for a not so short, micro resumed introduction of 'mYsElf' !!

You can also find more about me @:
Blogspot : NãoQueroMasVou
Twitter : @CyberSpaceGod
G+ : +CyberSpaceGod