Introducemyself, New Face In Steemit

Hi Steemian friends, family, and community.


Introduce my name CUt Handayana, I the birth of the original 1997 Lhokseumawe, Aceh. My current profession as model video clip. I also noted as a talented newcomer in the world of entertainment.

My Cut Deck nickname, originally I was not interested in entering the world of music entertainment. In January 2014, while still in high school, I was invited by my close relatives for the filming of the music video as a model of one of the songs.

The invitation, starting from the time I was interested in and crashes into the liver, then joined the world of entertainment.

After some were invited so model video clips and I menyanggupinya, the natural talent and then considered by the producer. "I'm asked main movie Aceh and still believed sampe now," "my first Role model video clip in the song Kasidah Armawati my ar. hold the violin,"

until now, sayatelah is believed to have acted in a number of films, including Aceh Intan Mutiara Meuh Meuh Bakong, clap Jeulame, Kameu comedy Breuh Lom and Cut Nyak Seat. In addition to the fiilm, I also starred in a number of clips.

I really enjoy this job. Though now I am a student of Sharia on Economic status of this STAIN Malikussaleh, Lhokseumawe. However I can divide the time for filming and lectures.

Entertainment world Aceh is currently more advanced than ever, and I hope the world of entertainment in Aceh will continue to expand, particularly in the corridors of the positive.

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