Hello Steemit, I'am Master Seo and Owner xdtpd.net


About Cut Candayana

I Cut Handayana, I was a rather studied the world of computers and the internet. Be it, blogging, web design or other. I am also very fond of reading to expand my knowledge of internet marketing. In General, I was simply a beginner blogger, who simply want to share their experiences through writings on xdtpd.net

About XDTPD Blogs

XDTPD Blogs are Personal blog belonging to cut handayana. On this blog there are various content, especially computer science. In addition, on this blog you can also find articles regarding blog tutorials as well as some tips on photoshop. Hopefully in the future, this blog will be more advanced, and can provide helpful articles make all readers.


Prestasi Blogging

For his achievements I've got several times champion of the SEO Contest even though not all champion champion 1. However, of all the contests I follow, I also never certified SEO from Adams Media in 2015. However, for the other contests not given certificates, just given gifts such as cash, Hosting or Domain. In addition, I also used to be a Promoter or the author in Shopious in the year 2015 as well. Moreover, many Website or Blog that I sell to some people who have been in the optimization. However, from all I've achieved, I have nothing compared to the bloggers who have become my senior. I would like to say many thanks to all my blogger friends with contemporaries already mengasih 2009 science blogging her sincerely.
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