Let's watch me try to learn drawing

I have had this dream of becoming an artist, but the one who wants to become an artist usually faces a choice between working and starving. it was literal starving for me.
but I know it's just an excuse, I just need to shave some time from "this" and "that" to have few free hours for it. so I decided to watch a video tutorial and train for an hour before bed given I can stay awake that long.
My plan was creating a deviantart page to upload whatever I draw there but steemit gave me a better option. Now I'm planning to upload my attempts to steemit, ask for advise / critique, fund my journey through upvotes if possible and grow alongside the steemit community.
It should be very entertaining to watch me suffer through the learning curves, so grab your popcorn and tune in because I'm not going to give up that easy and I've been monitoring steem / steemit for a long time, I'm going to try every trick I have found.

For starter, here's what I can draw after watching a video on positioning different parts of the face. it's not much to look at, but it's a start.


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