RE: Introduce myself presentation to you

Identity theft is a serious crime, so is false accusations, I oppose any type of crime and I would mute any such user as soon as he / she has been proven guilty.

I do not have any links now, but the false accusations, that I have mentioned have NOT been made by your account.

I just try to be very newbie-friendly and that includes upvoting users with a low reputation.
However, payouts happen after a week, so if a culprit has been found he can be downvoted before that.

To find a culprit it is necessary to investigate and collect proofs, which is a completely different task than curating the content per se, for which I use the ecency app on the phone. Investigation requires another set of tools, preferably on a computer.

I think community mods should keep their community clean, so they should investigate their members.
Volunteers should pick random posts and investigate and gently clarify issues with a user and use offensive actions only as a last resort.

At the moment I only concentrate on curating the content, but in the future, when this account grows I plan to offer some bounties for those who want some extra-income hunting evildoers.

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