#Introduceyourself: Howdy, I'm a Witch... 3 Reasons Witches Love Crypto Too!

A Witch?!? Yes, I get that a lot... and YES, Witches love crypto too. Here's a page out of my sordid story of intrigue and mayhem-making...


FYI, I'm not your ordinary Witch. I'm a Christian Witch, which makes things that much spicier (as if being a Witch isn't spicy enough). The fun part about being a Christian Witch is that Christians don't believe in it, and lots of Witches don't believe in it either, which makes me pretty weird. I like weird. It suits me.

DISCLAIMER: I don't speak for all Witches. Every Witch has his/her OWN Voice... and we're pretty vocal, so I know better than to inadvertently step onto the landmine of speaking for ANYONE else. I am my own Witch.

INTENTION: To catalyze awareness.

That's enough about me for now, on to...

3 Reasons Witches Love Crypto Too:

Reason #1 - The Harriet Tubman in me. I can't help myself. I'm compelled to free the slaves. After I pulled that plug out the back of my head and calmly exited the matrix, I turned around, Black Moses style, and saw all the slaves still plugged in. I couldn't bear the thought of even one soul plugged in.

Crypto has the power and potential to free modern day wage slave/financial slave. Every Witch I know celebrates FREEDOM.

Reason #2 - I don't need to provide a dossier to buy detergent at Target. As we all are well aware, the collection of data from everyone on planet earth has reached pandemic proportions. I don't need to provide personal credentials for purchasing candy bars, or coffee or... (fill in the blank)

Crypto bifurcates identity and financial transactions. That excites me.

Reason #3 - As a former financial advisor at American Express, I know all too well the evils of the legacy financial system. After reading The Creature from Jekyll Island, I was even more appalled. I'm from Harlem, the 'hood' if you will, and our peeps never received the kind of financial know-how that would lead to wealth.

Crypto evens the playing field. When I consider the possibilities of sending crypto to a woman in Kenya, or funding a project anywhere in the world, fast and cheap, I KNOW exiting Fiat and embracing the new world economy crypto creates is a boon for EVERYONE EVERYWHERE.

That's it for this Witch for now... more to come my fellow Steemians (-;

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