Hello Steemit! Actress, Singer and Fianceé of Charlie Shrem !

Good afternoon SteemIt!!

First off let me introduce myself. My name is Courtney Warner and some of you may or may not know me as Charlie Shrem’s fiance, but that’s not all I am :)

I am an actress and commercial print model. I wanted to write an intro article and tell you how I got involved with Bitcoin and Steem. Here is my IMDB Page

I do want to say Congrats to STEEM and BTC for trending today at the highest its ever been! That is amazing!

So, I’m going to break this up into 2 stories, so bear with me. It was the year of 2013 when I used to be a cocktail waitress at this nightclub called EVR in NYC. This bar has changed my life for the better forever….One I met my future husband Charlie Shrem, and 2, I was introduced to Bitcoin for the first time. EVR was the first nightclub/bar to accept bitcoin as payment for your favorite mixology cocktails, and I was one of the first waitresses to do the early transactions for BTC.

It was quite simple, for people that don’t know how a transaction is performed. Basically we had an I pad and the customer had their iPhone or Android, or whatever cell phone you had at that time. You would pull up a QR code (that bar looking symbol thing) and match it up to the persons phone the transaction would go through and Voila. There you have it our very own first bitcoin transaction. I was still not really aware how big this Bitcoin thing was but when Bloomberg, CNN, etc was coming to see what this new phenomenon was then I was starting to realize this was a VERY big deal. Who knew that BTC would be my way of living for the rest of our lives.

Now onto how I found out about Steem. One day Charlie was all excited in telling me about this other awesome new platform that artists, and writers, etc, have a way they can express themselves and get paid for their posts. I thought this is an amazing creative concept, on how to express yourself through another avenue. This I thought was great with me being an artist so I could totally relate to this new endeavor. We met with this guy by the name of Ned Scott for lunch in PA one day, and who knew that is how we would be involved with Steem. So ladies and gentlemen that is my introduction to the crypto space. I hope you enjoyed this article. Have a great day!


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