HI STEEM!! I am Christoph Hering, Founder and CEO of BitShares Munich, the company behind BlockPay and Echo!!

Hi Steem, My Name is Christoph and I am from Munich, Germany.

In Fall 2015 I founded BitShares Munich together with @kencode and we started to work with the BitShares Blockchain. Soon after we added @rodrigocrespo to our team and exploded in productivity! You will see tons of new content from us very soon! Together, we are a young #FinTech #Blockchain Startup from Munich working on the best Blockchain products for BitShares and Steem!!

I am a Blockchain Enthusiasts and Paris fan!

This is me and my Girlfriend in Paris last week. We celebrated France 1:0 victory against Germany with 50,000 French soccer fans on the streets of Paris. What a crazy night!!! The streets were packed with people, screaming, dancing on cars, racing through Paris all night. It was total madness!

Videos are better than any text I could write!

STEEM, I am happy to be part of this awesome community and I love the ideas​ and visions of Stan Larimer. I started with BitShares and I am now also investing time in Steem. I want to create synergies between both platforms and bring Blockchain technologies to the world. Therefore I started a VBlog on Steem to share our Startup journey of BlockPay and Echo with all of you!!

Starting a business is exciting, starting a Blockchain business is a revolution and we are all inspired to make this world a better place!

Thank you for your support on Steem!!

Christoph Hering - Founder & CEO of BitShares Munich

Please join our Journey and follow us on social media too!

Twitter: @BitSharesMunich @HeringChristoph
www. BitShares-Munich.de

#BitShares | #Steem | #beyondbitcoin | #Echo | #Blockpay | #Blockchain | #Fintech | #Startup

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