Harrrooo Steemit– who likes Chickenfeet?

Harrrooo Steemit– who likes Chickenfeet?

Chicken Feet…? An amazing Chinese dish at yum cha :)

Hello fellow Steemians! My name is Antony from Sydney and I have been on Steemit for about 6 months months now and have finally got enough encourage to post on Steemit. I found Steemit through cryptojunction.com where I was searching for interesting coins to invest into. I stumbled upon Steemit and immediately signed up to it after understanding its platform and how much value I think this will add in the future!


So… A little bit on how I plan to add value on Steem and some things about myself (I will keep it short and sweet)

How I will contribute to Steemit?

I’m just going to be myself - post everything I like and want to share with you all. I also like to take photos and hooked onto travelling (which can be hard with my day to day work) so I will post them up here.

So who am I really?

• I played a lot of games growing up, the good ol’ Gameboy with Pokemon Red (which I owned), Gold/Silver, Ruby/Sapphire (stopped here), Mario Kart (the best game even till now), PS2 – Kingdom Hearts and Final Fantasy (my favourites), PC – Dota, CS:GO. I have stopped playing now since working full time but I still like being part of the gaming community. Chickenfeet has been my gamertag for a long time and hence my user ID here.

• Speaking of gaming, I enjoy my board games! :) Let me know if you think want me to review any!
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• I played Touch footy throughout high school and have since moved onto Oztag for the last few years and I have played in some competitive competitions locally.

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• I have been learning about cryptos mainly because I don’t want to be outdated on upcoming technology.

• I have always wanted to own a DSLR. My sister bought a camera for my birthday and since then, have loved taking photos. I will be uploading some of my own shots here.

• I did a 5 week Europe trip in summer 2017 and believe I have caught the travel bug. I pretty much want to take a career break and see the world for a few years.

• Just came back from a 3 week Japan - Cherry blossoms were nice :) IMG_0382.jpg

I am sure you will learn more about me as I post but there are plenty of great authors here already . To ensure that the Steem community is continually growing and recognising quality content, I have been and will continue to search for upcoming authors and sending my votes to them.

I wanted to give a quick shout out to @cryptofiend for his awesome Markdown Cheatsheet blog (really helped me a lot with this post)

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