Hello Steemit, nice to meet you!

Hello Steemians, is that what we call one another?!
It took me a while but I'm finally here. My husband @stickycj has been asking me to join for months, so here I am!

Put a face to the name:

A little bit about me

I grew up in Cornwall, ( South West of England) surrounded by beaches and fields. I studied English Lang & Lit with Media Studies which I went on to do absoloutely nothing with. Maybe one day I'll put that degree to use.
Not long after graduating I moved to Australia to 'travel' which turned in to living in a shared house in Brisbane partying and exploring waterfalls for months on end. Not that I'm complaining, I loved my time there and it's where I met my now hubby. Since then we've travelled a lot together and lived in England, New Zealand and back to Australia. We are currently in New Zealand and in a couple of weeks we are moving back to Cornwall. If you hadn't guessed by now, we get itchy feet on the regular.

What will I blog about?

I will use this channel as a personal blog, a mish mash of my interests and passions! Whether it be our lastest travel adventures, vegan food hunting or my most recent book obsessions; it'll all be here!

I'd love to connect with bloggers out there that have similar interests; vegans, wanderlusters, bookworms, newlyweds!

Thank you for reading and I can't wait to meet you all!

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